Sintered AlNiCo Magnets

We are one of the professional China manufacturers work at Sintered AlNiCo magnets. The following items are the relative products of the Sintered AlNiCo magnets, you can quickly find the Sintered AlNiCo magnets through the list.

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  • Sintered AlNiCo Magnets uni-SLNG-001

    sintered AlNiCo magnets to be maufactured by the process of sintereting through mold.
    Min Diameter can be 2mm .
    various shape and irregular shape

  • Sintered AlNiCo magnet uni-SLNG-002

    AINICo permanent magnet is an alloy magnet made from AI, NI, Co Fe and other trace metal elements

  • Sintered AlNiCo Magnet uni-SLNG-003

    We are professional and skillful manufacturer of sintered, bonded and cast AlNiCo magnets. Sintered Alnico is usually restricted to smaller sizes.

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